Pray for our missionaries!
Missionary Letters & Prayer Cards are available at the Missions Wall in Fellowship Hall. The letters and cards help us pray more effectively for the missionary families and organizations we support. Each week, we give an emphasis to different missionaries. Stop by the Missions Wall on the west wall in Fellowship Hall to pick up letters and prayer cards.
Steve & Rowena Barnes - France
Louise Champlin - Suriname Santhosh & Sophie Georges - India Abel & Becky Herreras - Mexico Tom & Barbara Needham Family - Cameroon Andrew & Egla Shields- Mexico Rick & Robin Shields - Mexico Treasure Mountain Bible Camp Bob & Juanita Warinner - Wings as Eagles, Oshkosh Wisconsin Wings as Eagles Aviation Ministry - International Aviation Ministry, Oshkosh, Wisconsin |
How You May Pray
Pray for their ability to communicate. Communication is paramount to everything missionaries do. A shallow knowledge makes it very difficult to communicate spiritual truth, but knowing a language is not enough. Missionaries must adapt culturally and communicate the love of Christ to the people they are seeking to reach.
Pray for their ministry. Pray for witnessing opportunities, contacts with the unsaved, discipleship of believers, teaching, preaching, or whatever they do to serve the Lord. Read their letters – these will give you much material for prayer. Pray for boldness, open doors, and open hearts.
Pray for their fellow-workers. Many of our missionaries work with a team of co-laborers and will likely work closely with other believers. More than any other place, this is where Satan often gets in and causes mayhem.
Pray for their city and country of service. Widen your prayers to include the whole country where our missionaries are located. Pray for an environment of receptiveness to the Gospel.
Pray for their physical and emotional welfare. Many missionaries live and work in difficult climates and where sickness and disease are widespread. Pray for their health and safety. Also pray for deliverance from discouragement and lonesomeness as they are in the spiritual battle.
Pray for their family. Pray for the marriage. Pray for the children, for their salvation and growth in the Lord. Pray that, as a family, they will provide an example of godliness for the people among whom they serve.
Pray for their relationship with God. We expect a lot from our missionary in this area of their lives. Our missionaries do have needs in respect to their walk with God. On behalf of our missionaries, pray for their nourishing on God’s Word, prayer life, filling of the Holy Spirit, maturity and growth in grace, and victory over Satan and the flesh.
Pray for their ministry. Pray for witnessing opportunities, contacts with the unsaved, discipleship of believers, teaching, preaching, or whatever they do to serve the Lord. Read their letters – these will give you much material for prayer. Pray for boldness, open doors, and open hearts.
Pray for their fellow-workers. Many of our missionaries work with a team of co-laborers and will likely work closely with other believers. More than any other place, this is where Satan often gets in and causes mayhem.
Pray for their city and country of service. Widen your prayers to include the whole country where our missionaries are located. Pray for an environment of receptiveness to the Gospel.
Pray for their physical and emotional welfare. Many missionaries live and work in difficult climates and where sickness and disease are widespread. Pray for their health and safety. Also pray for deliverance from discouragement and lonesomeness as they are in the spiritual battle.
Pray for their family. Pray for the marriage. Pray for the children, for their salvation and growth in the Lord. Pray that, as a family, they will provide an example of godliness for the people among whom they serve.
Pray for their relationship with God. We expect a lot from our missionary in this area of their lives. Our missionaries do have needs in respect to their walk with God. On behalf of our missionaries, pray for their nourishing on God’s Word, prayer life, filling of the Holy Spirit, maturity and growth in grace, and victory over Satan and the flesh.